[DX_WPF] Notification Balloon TipDevExpress/DX_WPF 2024. 5. 3. 09:40
App Start할 때 추가
DevExpress.Data.ShellHelper.TryCreateShortcut("DSM", "DSM Notify Service");
Xaml 에 서비스 추가
커스텀서비스 필요하면 데이타 템플릿 추가
Xaml 서비스 ViewModel로 가져오기
결과 값 받아서 처리.
void ProcessNotificationResult(NotificationResult result)
Ex. NotificationResult.Activated 노티 클릭했을 때 반환되는 값.
NotificationService | WPF Controls | DevExpress Documentation
The NotificationService allows you to display popup notifications in your applications. You can display native Windows 10/11 notifications or create custom ones. Create a Native Windows 10/11 Notification To display a native Windows 10/11 notification, do
GitHub - DevExpress-Examples/wpf-display-notifications-using-the-notificationservice: This example demonstrates how to show noti
This example demonstrates how to show notifications with the NotificationService - DevExpress-Examples/wpf-display-notifications-using-the-notificationservice
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