[WPF] IOC, IServiceProviderC#/WPF 2024. 1. 26. 09:56
Ioc Container 는 Resolve(=GetInstance)하면 locked 걸리면선 Register안됨.
Register 할거 있으면 먼저 다 하고 Resolve 진행. (=> Resolve 는 IServiceProvider의 기능이라고 보면 됨.)
IServiceProvider (=> 서비스릉 등록하고 Get하는 등. 생성자에 주입하는 기능등.)
Ioc Container에 등록된 서비스는 Constructor DI 가능.
Register DoucumentModule 서비스
customContainer.RegisterSingleton<IDocumentModule, DocumentModule>();
Constructor Di
public ModuleAViewModel(IDocumentModule documentModule) { this.documentModule = documentModule; Caption = this.documentModule.Caption ?? Caption; IsActive = this.documentModule.IsActive; ModuleATextBlockChangeCommand = new DelegateCommand(ExecuteChangeText, IsChangeText); }
Using .NET Core 3.0 Dependency Injection and Service Provider with WPF
UPDATE: this article is based on a preview release of .NET Core 3.0. Please refer to Update on using HostBuilder, Dependency Injection and Service Provider with .NET Core 3.0 WPF applications for t…
Ioc - Community Toolkits for .NET
An introduction to the use of the IServiceProvider type through the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection APIs
wpf 의존성 주입 컨테이너 관련 질문 있습니다.
보통 의존성 주입을 위해 서비스를 등록하고 GetRequiredService<>()를 통해 의존성 주입이 일어난다고 알고있는데 이 부분이 맞는지 알고싶습니다. 그리고 App.xmal의 코드 비하인드에서 DataContext = s.Get
IOC 성능 비교
GitHub - danielpalme/IocPerformance: Performance comparison of .NET IoC containers
Performance comparison of .NET IoC containers. Contribute to danielpalme/IocPerformance development by creating an account on GitHub.
DevExpress Ioc 사용
GitHub - DevExpress-Examples/wpf-mvvm-framework-register-poco-type-in-dependency-injection-container: This example illustrates h
This example illustrates how to register a POCO View Model in a various Dependency Injection containers - GitHub - DevExpress-Examples/wpf-mvvm-framework-register-poco-type-in-dependency-injection-...
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